When it comes to real estate, where you live and the type of home you live in has a huge impact on how your market did last year. Check out how you did!
Sometimes it can be hard to rent out a property. Here’s why that can happen, how to avoid it and when it just makes sense to swallow a bitter pill and drop the rent.
There is a lot of confusion about bedrooms and what makes a room a bedroom. While many people think it’s not a bedroom if there isn’t a closet, the definition of a bedroom is not that simple.
The long-awaited day when you get the keys to your new home is a very exciting day, but buyers are often surprised by a few things. Here’s our top three surprises for closing day!
Based on the average income in the city of Toronto, an affordable home would cost around $600,000. There’s lots of condo options but are there any houses you could buy for that price?
Do you worry about someone breaking into your home to steal your possessions? What about someone stealing your entire house? Let’s talk title fraud and ways to prevent it!