Just like common sense isn’t actually that common, standards are often not the same for all people. In real estate deals, differing assumptions about what is standard can cause significant problems.
People sometimes say that numbers don’t lie, but when it comes to statistics and interpreting them, the truth can be easily manipulated. Here are the three biggest real estate stats lies.
Blame it on the weather, but we always see a slow down in real estate markets in the GTA in the winter. Most people think January is the slowest month each year, but is it?
Believe it or not, some properties get sold on holidays, including Christmas Day. Here are some reasons why it might work out if you buy on a holiday, and some reasons it might not!
Ontario’s Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is facing a crisis, with more than 53,000 unresolved cases as of early 2024. It’s time to fix it, and here’s how.
While we love Toronto, we have to admit that it can be a hard place to live and it seems to be getting harder lately. Here’s why we’re seeing some of our clients choose to leave the six.
As municipalities increase fees and taxes and the CRA cracks down on the sale of Airbnb properties, do you still make money on short-term rental properties?
Not all renovations give you a good return on your investment when it comes to getting you a higher sale price for your home. Here’s a recap of the good, the bad and the ugly!