
Yes, location is important in real estate but it’s just one of three fundamental variables. Balancing all three can be challenging, but here is how you can use which one matters most to you to get the best result.

It’s a balancing act.

2022-01-28T15:45:32-05:00January 28th, 2022|

I know that nothing heats up a crowd of real estate enthusiasts like using the latest in buzzwords. Given that, I predict that this will be my most popular email to date. Mind you, I also predicted that the Blue Jays would be in playoff contention this year and that

Nothing says sexy like location-efficient living.

2018-02-27T12:20:56-05:00September 24th, 2014|

I sometimes make an odd sort of grimace when talking about real estate, particularly if we are talking about what is most important when buying a property. It isn’t because I don’t enjoy talking about real estate. I love talking about real estate.  Some days I won’t shut up about real

Location, location…wait, what was that third thing again?

2018-02-27T12:20:57-05:00July 10th, 2014|

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