
Yes, we think now is a good time to buy a condo. Here’s three reasons why as well as the three rules to follow in order to make sure you pick the right condo unit.

You think I should buy what?

2023-07-14T12:00:30-04:00July 14th, 2023|

Despite what headlines might say, the story about the real estate market and what’s coming next is pretty nuanced. Here’s our take on what stat is most useful for predicting what comes next.

Breaking news!

2022-05-06T16:13:37-04:00May 6th, 2022|

As of March 30, 2022, the Government of Ontario has increased the Non-Resident Speculation Tax on real estate from 15% to 20%, and it now applies across the entire province. Here’s what that change means.

Only residents may speculate here.

2022-04-29T15:33:37-04:00April 29th, 2022|

A house in Toronto sold in late January, 2020 for a full $1M over asking price. Without a doubt, there is a huge opportunity for certain properties right now. Here’s three questions about your home. If you answer yes to any of the three, it’s time to sell.

Should I sell my house now?

2020-02-21T14:00:34-05:00February 21st, 2020|

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