
Some properties are listed at a price that is really just reflective of what the seller wants to get, not what it’s worth. It can feel like you’re negotiating with a toddler and is often unsuccessful. Here’s our approach to developing a pricing strategy that actually gets the home sold.

It’s that price because I want that much money. Duh.

2022-06-03T13:34:13-04:00June 3rd, 2022|

After preparing, searching, debating and deciding, you’ve found a home to buy. Now it’s time to put a number on the offer…but what’s the number? Here’s how we make sure our clients avoid buyer’s regret and understand what price to pay.

Sure, it’s nice, but what’s it worth?

2020-05-29T15:27:17-04:00May 29th, 2020|

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